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ModInfo JSON Object#

A ModInfo object contains information about a mod.
It is returned either directly by requesting info about a mod or in a list by requesting a list of mods.


Depending on which endpoint was used, a ModInfo object can contain different attributes:

Key Type Description /mods /mods/{mod-name} /mod/{mod-name}/full
name String Unique name of the mod
title String Friendly name of the mod
owner String Author of the mod
summary String A short summary of the mod
downloads_count Integer The number of times this mod has been downloaded
latest_release ModRelease Latest release of the mod
releases ModRelease[] An array of releases of the mod
changelog String Changelog of the mod, formatted in Markdown
created_at String Creation date of the mod, formatted in ISO 8601
description String A long description of the mod, formatted in Markdown
faq String Optional FAQ of the mod, formatted in Markdown
github_path String Path to the GitHub repository, relative to
homepage String URL of the homepage of the mod
license Licence License of the mod
tag Tag Tag of the mod
updated_at String Last update date of the mod, formatted in ISO 8601